吴彦祖健身露粗壮手臂 网友:又帅又有身材
时间:2015-06-24 11:24:46
吴彦祖通过微博发放深夜福利,晒健身房照片,并配文写道:“I am not Sunny, he's a character I play and in order to play him well it takes a lot of work. That means 。”
吴彦祖通过微博发放深夜福利,晒健身房照片,并配文写道:“I am not Sunny, he's a character I play and in order to play him well it takes a lot of work. That means 。”照片中,吴彦祖置身于健身房,戴着棒球帽,灰色背心,露出手臂结实的肌肉,一脸的专注,侧颜非常的帅气,迷倒众网友。
此帅照曝光后,网友纷纷围观并点赞,其中有网友怒赞,称:“这迷人的线条!”也有网友称:“不能因为你帅就乱来啊,大晚上的还让不让睡觉了 !”更有网友称:“这么帅还健身。”